Monday, July 21, 2008

Fifth Anniversary

Five years ago today I became a mom.

It has truly been the best and hardest five years of my life.

The past week I was without ML as she was with her father for the first of her 2 weeks with him for summer visits.

So on the week approaching my 5 year anniversary of being a mom, I spent it alone. Friends telling me I should enjoy it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, but it certainly wasn't something I enjoyed, and my house was way too quiet. I missed my Daughter. It didn't help that I didn't work for part of the week. The week alone, I got to experience my life as "child free". I prefer the child in my life. Even though it is infinitely harder and more work, it is just plain more fun!

I picked ML up Sunday night, and I asked about her visit. She told me many interesting tidbits. .

One of these tidbits was that when her father missed a weekend visit in June, as well as Fathers day, he was more than the "out of town" that he told me. He was in the UK with his sister. They decided to stay a bit longer so that is why he missed picking her up on Father's day. Funny that he claims poverty to the courts and he is $5000 in arrears in his child support payments....

The second tidbit, and this bothers me on so many levels, is that this past week was the first time he has ever had ML for an extended time... but he didn't take one day off work. He also sent her to someones house for a sleep over one night...

It makes me sad.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Second Last Day

This is going to be a tough week.

ML is with her Father for the week. I want to write "if you can believe" but it feels so unnecessary. The Ex didn't take this week off work. So ML is there, and hanging out with The Ex's Girlfriend and ML's sister. I am sure she will have fun, I am sure she will love hanging out with her baby sister... It probably is a good thing she is gone this week, as I am so upset about this whole job ending ridiculousness. This is the first time she has been gone for this long. The longest before was 3 nights over Christmas. Friends keep telling me "try to enjoy it". I want to scream at them, "I don't want to"!!! OK I am a little irrational these days...

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned this, but until tomorrow, I work for the family business. LAID OFF is a nice way of saying pushed out. I have found out that I have been stabbed in the back by fellow workers who I thought were friends (one person even had us to dinner and fun at their family farm!) and by both my sister and brother-in-law. So now it feels like my family is being torn apart, my daughter is away and add a bit of looking for a job stress.

The silver lining in all this, (it's a good sign that I can still see this right?) is that I have had a few interviews already, and job prospects look good, and if I can get a job quick enough, my severance will be used to pay for NK's adoption.

Monday, July 07, 2008


On Friday I got to hear that I am laid off as of the 15th of July. I have a severance package so I will be fine. I am on the job hunt and it will soon be my full time job until I find something suitable.
Everyone keeps telling me everything happens for a reason. I know. It still sucks. It is still very stressful. I have never been unemployed. I have never been laid off.
I have cried and raged this weekend. I am getting to the end of that. The hardest thing was coming to work today to train someone to do my job.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy (Belated) Canada day!

It has been a trying couple of days for us at Chez single mom.

First Monday night a friend, who I had just spent the day with on Saturday, was seriously hurt at work and we weren't sure that he was going to make it... things are looking up for him, but it will be a long road. If you know anything about trucking and winches... the winch flung back and hit him in the throat... he is lucky to be alive.

I took ML to the local Canada Day Celebrations to get my mind off of things, and we made not one but two separate trips to the medical tent. Once for sunscreen in the eyes (kids tear free no less) that took about 4 eye wash/flushing to get out. How she managed to getso much sunscreen in her eyes is beyond me....

Then as we waited in line for a hot dog ML leaned against the very hot BBQ and burnt her arm. It was at this point that I threw in the towel!! She was treated and we went HOME!!!

Hope your Canada Day was less stressful than ours!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A New Book for ME to read

This book was mentioned on one of the adoption boards I am a member of , and it sounds like just what I need to read. I hope it has some good advice and coping strategies etc. It is not in any store in my city that I can find, but I did find it on eBay... so here's hoping I win the auction!!
The title of the first chapter is "what did I ever see in my ex" which should be a good one, as well as other chapters with ideas how to cooperate and to figure out what the problem is. I have High hopes, but I know that in the end the Jerk or THE EX has to want to communicate and solve the problems...

I will post a review once I have read it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HPV Vaccine and Some Bishops

The HPV Vaccine is in the news again. This time in my province. Here is the article if want to read it.

I have ranted and raved about this before on here. Why do (in this case) old men think that by providing a vaccine to protect women against 70% of cervical cancers will lead girls and young women to run into the streets looking for anyone to screw? At 13? What year is this again? I guess women can do all kinds of things, but to actually be educated about a vaccine? Apparently this is beyond us. These Bishops believe that no matter what we teach our girls they will only hear "Yay!! I can have unsafe or unprotected sex with anyone and all because I had this vaccine when I was 13...what was that for again?"

Why is it with all the talk about abstinence that the teenage pregnancy rate in the USA is on the rise. "National data showing a 3% rise in teen pregnancies in 2006—the first increase in 15 years...

Maybe we could use this as a reason why there are 17 girls pregnant at this school...

Or maybe it is these Bishops who can't seem to be educated...

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Record For ML

This blog of mine is turning into a journal of sorts to give ML. I didn't start this for her, but now it feels like this will be for her. For her when she is 12 and thinks that her Mother is crazy and knows nothing, when she is tempted to live with her father. Also for when she is older so she will know her story.

ML's father has not seen her since the end of May, he cancelled his last weekend visit to go out of town, where I have no idea. As I posted, didn't show up on Father's day. There is never even a phone call between visits.

This is his weekend, the first time he has seen his daughter in almost a month. He was 15 minutes late to pick her up. When ML realized that he was here, finally, she ran and grabbed her Father's day gift, excitedly put on her shoes, forgot her overnight bag and ran out of the house and down the driveway. She was so excited to finally give him his gift... you could feel her excitement, and the smile on her face couldn't have been bigger.

She gave him her masterpiece, "look what I made you!" she yells. "Whats this? oh" is his reply and then he puts it in the van. He didn't say thank you. He didn't say how wonderful it is. He didn't even say HI to his daughter. He just put her in the van, all the while she is trying to get his attention " right papa? papa did you hear me"

I asked him to please tell me when he is taking her this summer, as he has her for 2 weeks. He doesn't answer. I asked again, really nicely. "Please The Ex, I need to make arrangements for this summer...." No response. I asked him to just email me the dates. No response, just gets in the van, shuts the doors and drives off.

It is June 20th and he refuses to tell me when he is taking her for his share of the summer vacation. I have asked him since March, as that was when the first summer camps and activities started accepting registrations. ML told me that they are planning a trip to Quebec, and he wont tell me when they are going.

I hope that she sees him for who he is one day. I hope that by that time he hasn't hurt her too much.

Everyone says he can't do this, he can't be this unreasonable... He is. And there doesn't seem to be anything that I can do about it.

I am just so scared that he will take her to Quebec and not bring her back.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Father's Day missed

I briefly mentioned this here.

ML was to spend Father's day with her Father. He didn't show. He didn't call. No email. Still as of this writing no contact has been made.

The part I don't get is that he INSISTED during our court proceedings that he have her for Father's day. Wanted it written into the agreement that she is to spend the day with him regardless of whether it is his weekend or not.

ML made a really cute, hand plaster cast to give THE EX for Father's day. Decorated it, wrote "I LOVE DAD" on it and was so excited to give it to him. Spoke about it for the entire week.

She sat on the stairs, with her gift for over an hour, waiting for him to arrive. At 9:45 we left the house, as I had a Father's day brunch to attend for my father. Called the restaurant asked if it was possible to add one more seat for ML. She didn't want to get in the car. She kept saying "Mom we cant leave, my dad is supposed to come get me!!"

It was a Father's day buffet brunch, and at one point ML was sitting at the table with just my sister. ML told her that she was supposed to be with her dad, but he must have slept in... My sister didn't tell me this until this morning. A four year old making up an excuse for her father's absence. She came up with this all on her own. When she asked why he didnt come get her, all I could say is "I don't know sweetheart, I don't know".

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh no!! What am I to do??


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!


As a 1930s husband, I am

Take the test!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

That State of being Single

With the Sex and the City movie opening this weekend, and ML's father being the world's biggest jerk, among other random things, I have been thinking a lot about being single.

With the sex and the city link, I just wish I could meet as many fabulous men that the ladies seem to meet. Granted very few stay around, but really, there must be some of these men in Alberta? Right?
ML's Father being a jerk? Well I know that is news to the 3 of you who read this blog, but last weekend, I think he trumped himself. Truly. He screamed obscenities at me, with ML not a foot away from him. Why? Oh because I asked him not to swear at me and then had the Gaul to ask how he wanted to communicate about school. What does this have to do with being Single? It has to do with me being SO THANKFUL that he is not in my life EVERYDAY. And Knowing that being a single 35 year old woman is much better than being attached to the likes of him.

The other random things? One of them is I searched a on-line dating site and was appalled at the things men write. Like they are looking for "movie making partners" and the "sexually liberated with no strings"... in the relationship section!!! Which takes me back to the Question about there has to be some good men in Alberta right? OK then just lie to me OK?

The last thing is that little Urban Myth that says the more education a women has the less likely she is to be married and the less sex she has (I can't find a reference to it, But I KNOW I have read it before). Well guess who is starting to work on her master's degree again... Yup, that is right. Sister Tanya. Soon I guess I will be living like a nun.... but wait I guess I could just aspire to be like Samantha and contact those men looking for the movie making partner right?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Kindergarten Orientation

Like I said here, I will be a blubbering mess when School starts in September

When they opened with the parents prayer, my eyes started to tear up! Listening to the speech therapist, principal and the kindergarten teachers made me so excited for ML for school to start!

When I saw the classroom with the little chairs and the room full of all their art work, made me start to cry...

I had a long chat with ML's teacher, told her about her Epilepsy, her Father. Especially the concerns I have around religion and her fathers thoughts about that. She thanks me for telling her, and said it gives her the summer to come up with great retorts if ML ever repeats what her Father tells her about God. I also mentioned my adoption plans and she was very excited for us, and will try to incorporate adoption and out country of choice into the curriculum. I told her I will keep her posted.

She showed us their printing books, artwork (she teaches them how to draw, and I think most are better than I am!) and the scrapbooks with all the pictures that she prepares, are priceless.

My little girl is going to school, and although I am so excited for her, it still makes me cry! She is not so little anymore!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


A blog that I check daily is Tertia's. I love her writing and her honesty. Plus it is fun to hear about life half way across the world in Cape Town South Africa.

On her blog she is asking:
"Looking back at last week, last month, last year, the last decade, the past lifetime, what is it that you wished you had done or not done that you would pass on as a piece of advice to others who might follow your path. About marriage, parenting, work, life in general. I am not talking about regrets; I am talking about opportunities to learn. "

Well there were two lessons in the comments so far that had me nodding in agreement.

The first, is a motto that I try to follow, much to the chagrin of my family. "Don't be too house proud, nobody ever died wishing they had a cleaner house. Get out and enjoy life". My family are people who (in my opinion) care too much about the state of their houses. My mom has even said to me that if I had a neater house she would visit more often. I told her that is sad. We have argued about that one a few times...

The second was written by Mel. Tertia's sister. Her blog is Here. It is an awesome comment and I wanted to share it here. I find myself, more often than I would like doing what she advises not to. I know I shouldn't. But it is hard, especially when I am surrounded by "happy" couples.
Mine is for single parents....Don't over compensate, enjoy every second of being a parent that doesn't have to take care of a significant other and never has someone second guess her decisions. Don't keep on thinking what you don't have because you won't see what you do have.Don't feel lucky someone is "willing" to be in your life and deal with your baggage, see it as such an honour for them that you are willing to allow them into your precious family and share in the life of your child. (Carina told me that and it changed my dating life) Be a parent 1st and a friend second.

This past weekend in Radium was awesome. So relaxing and so nice to be in the mountains. Even the family got along really well, so well in fact that it has been a long time that it was like that for us. There was a warning that a cougar was seen in the area ( no, not me!!) and lots of mountain goats and big horn sheep wandering around, was a real treat for ML and me.

However Sunday night, friends of my sisters stopped by and I was surrounded by "happy" couples. I had a bit of a pity party, wondering why not me? I know I know, lame, but it is hard sometimes. Now I know they might not really be "happy" and I know I don't want to settle, just sometimes.....

Anyways, the comment about single parents made me think, and to be thankful.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May Long Weekend YAY!!

This is where I am going.

Be back on Tuesday!

Have a happy Long Weekend!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

First trip to the Dentist

This week ML had her first trip to the Dentist. It went very well, they made sure she wasn't scared, had fun "counting" her teeth. No cavities. Yay!

He did say that she has a "tongue thrust" and that she could use some speech therapy to get her out of that habit. That is not something I have ever noticed, but am told they screen for speech issues in Kindergarten, so that will be done for me in the fall. Oh and he did say a little thing about Braces are pretty much a given in her future...

ML was very disappointed that she was not offered a new toothbrush... I didn't realize this until after we had left, was too busy listening to all the Dentist had to say and of course paying my share. Paying it seems will be something that is done a lot of in the future if this prediction of Braces is indeed true.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Other Child

I don't want this blog to just be a bitch fest for me about THE EX, but I need to write about it.

The past week there needed to be some tweaking of the parenting time as a result of Mother's day as per our agreement. I sent an email informing him I would pick ML up on Sunday morning since I have a family event in his city anyways... he responded with "I want my 2 days therefor I want her Thursday night until Saturday night". I said no, sorry that doesn't work. She has soccer that I coach, so we will not be home to facilitate the pick up and she has preschool on Friday that she loves. Plus I don't want to start the precedent that it is OK to pull her out of school for 'parenting time'.

Apparently he was very unhappy with this arrangement, but as I have mentioned here before, he doesn't communicate regularly with me, and he didn't respond. I had no idea if he was still coming Thursday, if he as bringing her back Saturday ... etc. So when he showed up on Friday to pick ML up, I asked him if the plan was as I mentioned, the Sunday morning pick up by me, and he responds with "I'm not speaking to you". I said OK, just tell me yes OR no. Silence. He put ML in the car, locked the doors rolled up the windows and drove off. So I called him, he put me on ignore.

So I called his girlfriend, apologized for putting her in a spot, and asked her.

I showed up Sunday Morning, picked up ML and took her to my car. When putting her in her seat, I noticed that she had a bad rash, looked like the measles (she has been vaccinated) but I was worried, so I called him. I asked him if he saw the rash, did he just wash her face with soap, maybe that is the offender... he says "she didn't get it from my house". I say "THE EX we have been out of your house for 90 seconds..." he says "didn't happen here" and hangs up.

My mother says that I shouldn't tell people about the way he behaves, as it makes me look bad. Maybe, but if I don't tell someone, I will explode. When he behaves this way I wonder how the Hell were we ever together? How the Hell does he have another girlfriend and family?

He is a Child. I am guessing about 7 years old.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

I wanted to share the gifts that ML made me on this mothers day. I was lucky enough to get two presents from her.
One was done with Grandma. They picked out a flower and a planter and they planted it together... It will be going on my front step . The other is a precious piece of art that was created at her day home.
I am a lucky mom.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Special Guest Yet Again

I again had the privilege of being the Special Guest at ML's preschool. This time it was for a field trip. The teacher planned a 4 km hike with the 3 & 4 year olds through a nature preserve. I figured she was crazy and I would end up carrying a few kids, but I figured I love to hike so I volunteered.

I just cannot say enough good things about this program. It gets kids so interested in their environment and nature. Many of the girls were very concerned that an ant would be stepped on, and a few tears where shed when in fact, this did happen. When a few of the kids would start shrieking because of the sight of a bug, others would remind them that they were food for the birds and then it would be all OK.

One of the funniest moments for me was when little boy came running up to be yelling " I just saw a Red Ant!!" like it was the most exciting thing he has ever seen, so I asked him if he likes red ants and he says "No! They bite 'member??"Like don't you know anything lady? ha ha

Walking along the paths, the teacher would point out a plant or shrub or moss and the kids would all yell its name. I think I even learned a few things!

The kids were a hoot (sorry pun intended I had too! And yes we even saw an owl and their nest!). When it was all done, driving home for lunch, ML was fast asleep in the car. Perfect. I will be taking her on this hike again!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Question at Church

On the weekendss that ML is with me, we take my mom to church. ML looks forward to going, as she loves attending the children's litergy, which invariably involves coloring a page about gospel reading of the day. This is something we have done (not faithfully mind you ) since ML was born. (It is every second weekend, as she doesn't attend with her father. He has now decided that he is an atheist. He tells ML such gems as "God is extinct like the Dinoaurs".)

In our church there is "The Great Crucifix". It is a beautiful piece of art, 6.5 m in height. If you are not familiar with Catholic symbolism, on a Catholic cross there is a depiction of Jesus nailed to the cross.

We usually sit on the side of the church, right next to the cross, as it is easy for ML to see me when she comes out of the Children's Litergy, if we sit elsewhere, she ends up wandeing the aisles of the church lost, looking for me.

So this all being let up to the question ML asked yesterday at church. She pointed to the cross and very loudly asked

"Mom who is that there?"

I think we have some work to do!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Toddler Couture

You know the saying more money than brains?

Purising the internet today I found this article.


Monday, April 28, 2008

A Little Girl's Broken Heart

ML had her heart broken for the first time this weekend. Broken by a group of girl's that excluded her.

I wasn't there, so I don't have an observer's unbiased picture of what went down. All ML could tell me is that these girls all had bikes (she doesn't have a bike at her father's) and she was playing with them, and then all of a sudden they all took off on their bikes and left her behind. Whether this slight and abandonment was intentional or not, or whether ML just didn't understand, the hurt she felt was real. ML is a sensitive soul, she comes by it honestly, and this broke her heart. It broke mine too.

The Ex told her that the kids were being mean, well this seemed to hurt her more as she really likes these girls and defended their actions even though it made her cry for hours after the fact.

I know that this will be the first of I am sure many times that she will cry because of the behavior of girls. Why are girls so mean at times? I remember all of the tears that I shed from similar hurts, and they seem to continue throughout our lives. The cliques and the exclusions, why even at her preschool there is a clique of girls that remind the other girls that they are not part of their best friends. They are FOUR!!

All I know how to do is remind her of all her good friends she has, and that if they are making her feel that way, then maybe she shouldn't play with them...

Anyone else with good ideas on dealing with the girl stuff?

Friday, April 25, 2008

World Malaria Day

Today is World Malaria day. I have mentioned this on my adoption blog, but it really has nothing to do with adoption for me. It is a problem that is preventable and treatable. Just wanting to bring some attention to the issue.
I know that for me to live the life that I am meant to, it has to do with advocacy. Not just for the issues in the country I live, and the country I will adopt from. I know I am a bleeding heart. But I am figuring out that is my calling, To be a bleeding heart and to bring awareness to those who otherwise wouldn't.

This link from the Canadian Red Cross, and it explains and shows the problem better than I can write a blog post about it. Please check out the longish clip about net distribution in Sierra Leone.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boom Dee Ada

To go along with my nerdy television watching... this is just for fun. Tell me you can resist singing along! I won't believe you!!

Hat Tip Mr. Nice Guy

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Things you see on TV and what they lead to

Being my nerdy self, I was watching the Discovery channel last night, and a commercial comes on the TV... earth shattering right? Hardly, and I don't usually pay attention... but for some reason last night I didn't change the channel for this commercial, and I saw a friend I have barely scene since my university days, selling shampoo.

I think to myself... nah, can't be.... then I log onto my trusty facebook account, look for him, and see that he is now stationed in New York, so it is a possibility... then I start looking up more old friends from this time in my life, see what they are up to...

What this leads me to do is realize I need to make a change in my life. Realized I need to get back to being the girl I was back then, knowing that I was going to do something with my life that was out of the ordinary. Not that I was going to save the world or cure cancer, or even become famous. Just that I have always assumed that there was more for me in this life than the standard fare of husband, house, job and 2.5 kids.

I have for too long pushed that part of me to the fringes of my life. Last night seeing this friend going after a dream, and seeing so many others that I used to know doing the same, was a sort of wake up call. I need to make a change. It has been consuming my thoughts ever since.

I will keep you posted on what that is when I find it.

Monday, April 14, 2008


How do you deal with an EX who refuses to be civil? Rational? Polite?

My family says that I shouldn't let ML's father get to me, and OH I TRY!! But his behavior is SOOOO OBNOXIOUS!!

When he arrives to pick up ML for her weekend visit with him, he doesn't even say hello. ML had a medical issue this past week that I needed to discuss with him and he doesn't respond. Doesn't ask if she is OK. Doesn't ask what has to happen next. I ask him did you hear me? Do you understand? And he says yes _____(insert swear word)_____! I then ask him to not swear at me in front of ML, and he laughs.

They leave, and I realize that ML has forgotten to take her medicine. She has epilepsy, and it is imperative that she has it. SO I call him to let him know, and to tell him if he wants to turn around (they are maybe 2 minutes away) I have it all measured out etc... he just hangs up. No response at all so I have no idea if they are coming back. Of course he could pull over and give her the medicine in the car... He does come back but again he utters no words.

When ML comes home on Sunday she tells me that she us hungry as she hasn't had supper. I think, odd, as the agreement is that since she is dropped off at 7pm she is to eat before hand. So I call to see if this is true. It is. I ask him to please make sure she eats as it is too close to bed time, I have nothing prepared etc...

He then goes into a tirade about how she will need braces because I allow her to suck her fingers still. He claims that she doesn't at his house. Anyone who has had a child who sucks their thumb or fingers should know that making this demand doesn't work. My sisters (sorry guys!!) both sucked their fingers well into elementary school and no amounts of threats or rewards offered made them stop until they were ready. Out of the three of us, the one that sucked her thumb for the longest is the only one of us who didn't need braces.

Of course want her to stop. I have offered a rewards, tried to talk about it, tell her I don't want other kids to tease her at school... Still hasn't made her stop. I try to explain to THE EX that I never sucked my thumb, fingers, had no soother past 9 months of age, and my teeth were so crooked that I started orthodontics at age 8. So there is a pretty good chance ML will follow suit. I hope not, but am prepared.

He then, of course, curses at me. I ask him not to.

Just to clarify, I love to swear. However I don't swear at people. I think it shows no respect. But when you stub your toe... "dang it" just doesn't cut it for me! "

"Listen we have to deal with each other for next 15 years, so can't we just be civil and stop the swearing" is what I ask of THE EX, and he says that he will not be told what to do by anyone and that he hasn't dealt with me for the last 3 months and it has been wonderful.

You want to know how old he is don't you. Sounds like a spoilt teenager right?

All I have to say at the moment is F&&(*))(&&^%$#%*&^(*&()*&) AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

Friday, April 04, 2008

I'm not the only one...

It seems I am not alone in my thoughts and opinions on the Horton Hears A Who Movie...

Special Guest

I was the "special guest" and preschool this morning. ML has begged and begged for me to be the guest, so I finally relented, took the morning off work and arrived at preschool with the obligatory snack and juice. ML was so excited!! Today's theme was wolves! We made finger puppets, howlers ( paper rolls that we could howl into! hee) and went for a walk looking for good spots to build a den. Topped off, of course, with a game of 'what time is it Mr. Wolf?!'

It melted my heart that me, joining ML at preschool, would bring her so much joy. She asks that I do it again, I might surprise her with another appearance near the end of the preschool year. Oh it is days like this that I wish I was a stay at home mom. I would love to be able to spend more time volunteering with her school. But then again, I might not appreciate it as much, right?

In talking to the teacher, she told me that only a handful of the moms volunteer, and no dad's yet this year. Quite a few are not even interested in what the program entails and how their kids are doing. Makes me sad.

She also said they are having trouble filling the spots. You see, this program teaches kids about nature, ecology and their natural world around them. There are no ABC's taught here. Many parents are competitive and think that this program is flawed, as their kid will be behind when they reach kindergarten. So sad. Getting kids interested in science and their world around them is so important. As important as learning their ABC's.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Free Concert and Beer

I never win anything. really, you can ask my mom!

However that has changed recently. I won tickets to see this Band in Calgary, and it included 4 buckets of beer!!
I had made arrangements for us to stay over, even had a sitter in the city for ML. I had asked for Friday morning off so we could take our time coming back home in time for preschool, where it is my turn to be the "special guest".

Am I going? Nope. ML woke up early this morning with the flu... the puke filled kind. This is when being a single parent is hard. If I had a partner, they would be staying home with the sick kid while I went out (feeling guilty the whole time, really!) and enjoyed some live tunes and to drink my share of the beer... but instead, I am staying home. This kind of sick is not the kind I can feel good about leaving with the grandparents.

The worst part of this, is I know where this "bug" came from... I had friends over, and one brought her sick daughter, who was kind enough to puke in my bathroom before they went home.

Hello Karma? Meet payback!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Movie Date

Last Thursday I took ML on a movie date the the fancy new theatre in our city. She was going to spend the weekend with her father, so I thought a Thursday night outing would be a nice treat.

I took her to the new movie Horton Hears a Who, as I have heard lots of mom and kids say that it was very cute. Well the animation was very cute, but the story .... not so cute.

In this movie, it is said many times that the Who has 96 daughters and he schedules them to spend something like exactly 12 seconds with each, but he has 1 son. He dotes on him, even though he won't speak, won't participate in the family, telling him that he will take over the business... you see where this is going. The original Dr. Seuss story has none of this "plot line", just that there are lots of kids and the youngest/smallest saves the day. Well in the movie version, it isn't the youngest or the smallest, it is the only son.

Now maybe you think am over-reacting, reading too much into a children's cartoon, but I don't think so. Why couldn't the story just have been one of the kids, one of the sons? One of the daughters? Why the only son, who got all his dad's attention, and the only one who was being groomed to take over the family career?

Why must the movie industry only give girls 'princesses' or relegate them to bit players? Why do we still need to have story lines with the prodigal son who is the one to save the day? Where are the strong girl characters?


(I have soemthing to say related to adoption as well if you want more rantings of a single mom)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Single Mom Therapy

No, not the kind you pay for by the hour.

Since I have gone through my court ordeal, I have had 2 close friends go through the court system with their ex's. One of the most cathartic things to do when you are going through that special kind of hell is have a ‘single mom therapy’ night. It is a way that you and your single mom friends get together and bitch and talk and strategize about life as a single mom.

Now this doesn't exclude to all the single moms by choice that are out there, they should certainly tag along. There will be tales of dating woes, babysitting concerns, when to call your lawyer talks, the ‘smarten up’ and maybe even a reality check. You will get all this and so much more really great single mom friends. They are there to help you from making the same mistakes they made, and to offer your own 'worldly' advice.

We have one of these nights about every couple of months, usually at my house. And oh is it therapeutic!! It also usually is a bit of a wine festival, but that is completely optional (hee!!) Oh and the laughs, can’t forget about that part, there is usually a lot of laughs, a few tears, but always more laughs.It makes you see that you are not alone. Talking to other moms that have the same issues as you makes your troubles seem manageable, even just for the night.

You may even find out that you are stronger than you thought. My friend told me that it was something that I said to her, at one of these evenings, that she is forever grateful for. She knew that she was going to be OK. It is good therapy for all involved. To help out a friend or two and to see just how far you have come.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Drama at Chez Single Mom...

It must seem that I have nothing but drama in my life. It isn't true, just in the past year I have had more than my share.

What is the drama this time? I was at the local RCMP detachment today filing a harassment complaint on an ex-boyfriend. I wasn't going to write about this, and haven't written about it on either of my blogs before. I know I have done nothing wrong. But I feel as though telling people this, they will think "why would you date a guy like this in the first place?" I almost feel embarrassed about telling people this. I also feel bad, guilty, worried about how this will make him feel. Why is that? I know that these feelings are not rational.

I have checked off the YES box to have Victim services contact me.

I had to visit 3 different places this morning for someone to finally take my statement, and the whole time I am trekking back and forth, I am thinking, this is why this stuff doesn't get reported. They don't make it easy. It took over 90 minutes to finally get to the right place.

This ex boyfriend of mine has been an ex for about a year. Somedays he calls incessantly, send cards and gifts. He tells me he loves me all the time. He would show up at my house with gifts for ML. The last straw was regarding a birthday present. He sent me a cheque for $222.00. He said was a lucky number and that I should either get my hair done or spoil ML. I didn't cash it, it had been sitting on my desk, waiting for me to get around to mailing it back.

Yesterday I picked up the mail, it had another card in it, and I thought, this is enough. It is annoying and I want it to stop. I send a very civil email, telling him I was sending the money back, I wish him the best, that we will never be together, to please move on etc.

It was his responses to my email that prompted me to go to the police. His first was a 3 page diatribe about nothing relevant to my email, making him sound very crazy, It spanned the topics of illegal drug use, Canadian and US politics and racism in Zimbabwe. The second email he sent was in regards to the cheque for $222.00 He said that he will be sending more money and it would entitle him to two visits with ML this month.

That scared me.

So now I wait. I was told in these cases usually all that is required is a call or a visit from the RCMP and this will make them leave you alone. I hope they are right.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Working vs Family Balance

There is a lot of talk in the media and in parenting magazines about the balance that one needs, between their working life and their family life. It is a hard one to find, especially as a single mom.

I do the best I can, and when I have ML I spend 90% of my non- working time with her. Every second weekend she goes to her father's and I try to have that time as my time to go out and do as I please.

This long weekend meant ML and I spent 3 days together, seeing friends and family, and ML accompanied me the entire time. We went to get her hair cut, bought her tights to wear with her Easter dress (she is a shopper, when things are for her!!) went for a walk at a local park to see the geese that have recently arrived, made popcorn to watch hockey on TV (at her request). Then Easter morning so much excitement finding eggs and having the family over for Brunch.

Yesterday afternoon was spent with wonderful friends just hanging out in the back yard (in March!!) watching the kids play and run. I thought it was an awesome weekend of good mom and ML time...

However at bedtime last night ML says that she doesn't think I love her!! Then this morning she cried and cried en route to the day home saying that she didn't want to go to the day home (that she loves, and is loved at) but instead wanted to come to work with me. I asked why and she says " I never get to spend time with you!" (see above weekend description)

Now I know that ML knows that I love her. I tell her all the time. I will make an effort, obviously, to tell her more, as she seems to be feeling very insecure at the moment.

Is this ML still getting used to her weekends at her Fathers, and she wants more mom time, more like we used to have. Is it a phase? Is it because we have be talking about adding another kid to the family and ML feeling insecure of her place?

I am torn as to what to do. Do I need to work less hours in the day? Can I afford to? Will work allow it? What about working from home? Is this just a phase that will pass with time? Any suggestions?

Being a Single Mom and getting the balance right is not easy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What the Tolerance Post was about

(warning this is a long post)
When I wrote the post about teaching my daughter tolerance, I didn't specifically say what it was I was referring to.

Here is a bit of background info.

I was raised a Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school had my first communion, reconciliation and confirmation done through the school system and had mandatory religion classes.

When my daughter was born, I wanted to have her baptized Catholic, so she could also go to Catholic school and have the sacrements, and it was really important to my mom. When my mom was growing up, their family was the only Catholic family in a protestant town, and they were harassed and teased about this, especially since her family had 12 kids, she didn't want my sisters and me to ever go through that.

To have my daughter baptized, the church requires that both parents sign the consent form. My Ex and I split when my daughter was 6 weeks old, and I left the province we were living in. Before I left, he signed the papers. She was baptized when she was 5 months old, it was a big family celebration. She is registered to start kindergarten in a Catholic school in the fall. The dayhome that my daughter attends is run by a wonderful family from El Salvador, they are Catholic as well, and there are discussions about God during the day.

Now why is this important?

As this post states, my daughter came home and told me that her father told her "God is dead. Smart people know this, not smart people think God is alive and real". Now these are my four year old's words, I don't know exactly what was said. I have asked him many times to tell me what he said, but he refuses to speak to me. Since my daughter's birth, The Ex has decided that he is an atheist, and is not happy that ML attends church.

This teaching a child to hate, based on religion. My ex is telling my daughter anyone that is not an atheist is "not smart". As you can imagine, this distresses me a great deal. Not only becasue this hurt her, she might start to look at people who think or pray differently than her and think that they are "not smart". It is not acceptable for any parent to teach a child that someone else's beliefs or ideas make them " not smart".

What runs through my mind is all the genocides, the horrible hate crimes, what things were said in the homes of those who perpetrated these crimes. Hate begets hate. Whether it is about religion or the color of one's skin, differences should be celebrated not looked down upon. That is what I am trying to teach my daughter, and it is so hard when it feels like you have to "compete" with another parent that is teaching the opposite.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mutiny at Chez Single Mom

I want to write about the tolerance post, and will get to it, however, there seems to be a mutiny occurring at my house!!

It concerns a 4 year old, lets call her ML, and she is refusing to get dressed in the morning. In fact it is getting to be so bad that I have been late for work twice this week... and yes it is Tuesday!!

Now I have heard most of the "tricks" with kids and their choice of clothes. We have tried picking the outfit out the night before, letting ML pick from a pile of approved (read appropriate for the weather) clothes, talking about what we will be wearing all before hand etc. etc. Well lately NOTHING is working!

Now I know this is common for the age, I have friends with kids who refuse to wear anything but jeans, or certian super heroes t-shirts, but ML is not so specific. In fact what is acceptable to her seems to change on a daily basis. Yesterday there was a meltdown because there was no LONG SLEEVED shirt that she could wear ( it was +16 here yesterday) and she said she would be too hot with a sweater on. So last night, I put a load of laundry in, that included a few LONG SLEEVED shirts, and this morning... meltdown as there was no T-SHIRT she could wear!!!

Does anyone else know of any other 'tricks' that either they heard worked or has worked for them????

Monday, March 10, 2008


I don't feel old enough to have this number attached to me. I never have had a problem with getting older, but this year it is hard.

I am one of those people who LOVES their birthday. My family even teases me about this, but this year, turning 35 has brought tears to my eyes more than a few times. I think it is because my life doesn't look like I thought it would. I always assumed that at 35 I would have a house full of kids, a partner in life, and be changing the world with my fabulousness (smile).

I know I am not the first to not have life turning out the way I had planned, and I know only I can change this, but today it still hurts.

So today I am having a pity part, all are welcome, (BYOB!!) and tomorrow I should be back to finding how my fabulousness will be changing the world!

Friday, March 07, 2008

International Women's Day

March 8th is International Women's Day

Violence against women is an issue that cannot wait. At least one out of every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. No country, no culture, no woman young or old is immune to this scourge.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Why I Dissappeared From the Blogosphere..

What did happen to me from the time of my last post in 2007 (October) until I reappeared in 2008 (February) ?

The reason was that I was in a wicked (understatement) court battle with ML's father. It concerned parental time, access, guardianship and child support. I not only had nothing positive to say, I was afraid that what I wrote on my blog could come back to haunt me. I do blog anonymously, however, I assume if anyone really wanted to find out who I am in real life (IRL), they certainly could. The last thing I wanted was something that I wrote here to be admissible in court.

I may have been over cautious or paranoid, but up until my last court date, I was just not willing to take the risk.

Now that it is mostly over, I again feel free to write my real feelings, although they are still veiled in anonymity.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Teaching Tolerance

Oh the things you need to talk to four year old's about...

It started at Christmas when ML noticed that not everyone went as crazy as we do with the decorations and lights. She asks "Why" about everything! We discussed that not everyone celebrates Christmas, not everyone likes putting lights on their houses, and unfortunately some people can't afford it etc. etc. But that it was OK that people didn't. That There are lots of things people do that we don't participate in, and that makes learning about other people and ideas fun.

These Questions were mostly forgotten once the Christmas season was over, but teaching tolerance to my daughter became very important recently.

Unfortunately, I have had a child with someone who no longer believes in tolerance, (and he is mad at me, another post) and has told my daughter that smart people know "something" and not smart people don't. (I will discuss what this "something" in a later post, it is not about race, it is about religious beliefs, and I think it deserves its own post). So I had to go back to our discussion about Christmas with ML.

I know how to teach adults tolerance. However, I am having a really hard time with this conversation with a 4 year old. I know I can say the same things over and over until she is old enough to understand, but I am afraid that she will go to school in September and say what she has heard and this will either either hurt another child, or me receiving a phone call from the school. I find the words and examples I want to use are hard for her to understand

I have purchased a few books to read to ML, (and if anyone knows of more good ones, please let me know...) One of them so that she knows that it is OK that she has epilepsy, that it is OK to be different, the others I purchased in anticipating that another person would be joining our family, and most likely will not look like either me or ML.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

All the Colors of the Earth by Sheila Hamanaka

We're Different, We're the Same by Bobbi Kates

Why am I Different by Norma Simon

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life got in the way

I said I would be back in October, and look it is already the end of February!! My only explanation is that life got in the way. Lame I know. I have had so many things I wanted to blog about, and I didn't. So I am back and I going to write here more regularly. I really missed expressing myself, and even if no one else reads... its all good. Besides, I still have a tonne of things I want to write about!!

Here is the Cole's notes version of what has happened in my life these last 4 months...

1) I have a nephew And a niece, so I am finally an Auntie!!
2) My grandmother passed away
3) ML has a half sister courtesy of her father (not THAT much happened in the last four months!! ha ha)
4) I went to court another 3 times and that is almost completed, and it worked out pretty well in my favour... ML now goes for full weekends to her father's, and he has to pay all his child support arrears and some of my lawyers fees! (Hee!!)