Tuesday, May 01, 2007

OK this time it really is EVERYONE!!

I have 2 sisters. Sister 1 announced her pregnancy on the Easter Weekend. Sister 2 announced her pregnancy today. They are twins so I guess it was written in the stars to happen this way.

But I told you, now EVERYONE is pregnant. (Ok I know not really...)

I was reading a post on one of the adoption forums , about how hard it can be to attend a baby shower, or to be happy when someone you are close to announces a pregnancy. I couldn't agree more. I am over the moon excited that I (finally) get to be an Auntie, and it is times 2!! However, the happiness I feel about their news, the excitement of anticipating the arrival of these little souls doesnt take the sting away. It is so nice to know that I am not alone in my feelings.

I know I am a lucky soul to have ML, but this babylust for a #2 is intense.

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