Friday, June 27, 2008

A New Book for ME to read

This book was mentioned on one of the adoption boards I am a member of , and it sounds like just what I need to read. I hope it has some good advice and coping strategies etc. It is not in any store in my city that I can find, but I did find it on eBay... so here's hoping I win the auction!!
The title of the first chapter is "what did I ever see in my ex" which should be a good one, as well as other chapters with ideas how to cooperate and to figure out what the problem is. I have High hopes, but I know that in the end the Jerk or THE EX has to want to communicate and solve the problems...

I will post a review once I have read it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HPV Vaccine and Some Bishops

The HPV Vaccine is in the news again. This time in my province. Here is the article if want to read it.

I have ranted and raved about this before on here. Why do (in this case) old men think that by providing a vaccine to protect women against 70% of cervical cancers will lead girls and young women to run into the streets looking for anyone to screw? At 13? What year is this again? I guess women can do all kinds of things, but to actually be educated about a vaccine? Apparently this is beyond us. These Bishops believe that no matter what we teach our girls they will only hear "Yay!! I can have unsafe or unprotected sex with anyone and all because I had this vaccine when I was 13...what was that for again?"

Why is it with all the talk about abstinence that the teenage pregnancy rate in the USA is on the rise. "National data showing a 3% rise in teen pregnancies in 2006—the first increase in 15 years...

Maybe we could use this as a reason why there are 17 girls pregnant at this school...

Or maybe it is these Bishops who can't seem to be educated...

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Record For ML

This blog of mine is turning into a journal of sorts to give ML. I didn't start this for her, but now it feels like this will be for her. For her when she is 12 and thinks that her Mother is crazy and knows nothing, when she is tempted to live with her father. Also for when she is older so she will know her story.

ML's father has not seen her since the end of May, he cancelled his last weekend visit to go out of town, where I have no idea. As I posted, didn't show up on Father's day. There is never even a phone call between visits.

This is his weekend, the first time he has seen his daughter in almost a month. He was 15 minutes late to pick her up. When ML realized that he was here, finally, she ran and grabbed her Father's day gift, excitedly put on her shoes, forgot her overnight bag and ran out of the house and down the driveway. She was so excited to finally give him his gift... you could feel her excitement, and the smile on her face couldn't have been bigger.

She gave him her masterpiece, "look what I made you!" she yells. "Whats this? oh" is his reply and then he puts it in the van. He didn't say thank you. He didn't say how wonderful it is. He didn't even say HI to his daughter. He just put her in the van, all the while she is trying to get his attention " right papa? papa did you hear me"

I asked him to please tell me when he is taking her this summer, as he has her for 2 weeks. He doesn't answer. I asked again, really nicely. "Please The Ex, I need to make arrangements for this summer...." No response. I asked him to just email me the dates. No response, just gets in the van, shuts the doors and drives off.

It is June 20th and he refuses to tell me when he is taking her for his share of the summer vacation. I have asked him since March, as that was when the first summer camps and activities started accepting registrations. ML told me that they are planning a trip to Quebec, and he wont tell me when they are going.

I hope that she sees him for who he is one day. I hope that by that time he hasn't hurt her too much.

Everyone says he can't do this, he can't be this unreasonable... He is. And there doesn't seem to be anything that I can do about it.

I am just so scared that he will take her to Quebec and not bring her back.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Father's Day missed

I briefly mentioned this here.

ML was to spend Father's day with her Father. He didn't show. He didn't call. No email. Still as of this writing no contact has been made.

The part I don't get is that he INSISTED during our court proceedings that he have her for Father's day. Wanted it written into the agreement that she is to spend the day with him regardless of whether it is his weekend or not.

ML made a really cute, hand plaster cast to give THE EX for Father's day. Decorated it, wrote "I LOVE DAD" on it and was so excited to give it to him. Spoke about it for the entire week.

She sat on the stairs, with her gift for over an hour, waiting for him to arrive. At 9:45 we left the house, as I had a Father's day brunch to attend for my father. Called the restaurant asked if it was possible to add one more seat for ML. She didn't want to get in the car. She kept saying "Mom we cant leave, my dad is supposed to come get me!!"

It was a Father's day buffet brunch, and at one point ML was sitting at the table with just my sister. ML told her that she was supposed to be with her dad, but he must have slept in... My sister didn't tell me this until this morning. A four year old making up an excuse for her father's absence. She came up with this all on her own. When she asked why he didnt come get her, all I could say is "I don't know sweetheart, I don't know".

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh no!! What am I to do??


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)

Take the test!


As a 1930s husband, I am

Take the test!